The reason we decided to grow duckweed was to feed our tilapia. My husband and I have a small farm in northern Brazil where we raisetilapiafor the local market. We are growing the duckweed to use as a supplemental feed for the fish. The high protein content makes this an ideal food for...
A big advantage of using duckweed as feed is that you do not have to remove any part of what the fish do not eat as it will not pollute the water nor raise the ammonia level. If you would like to grow your own Tilapia, feel free to e-mail me at with any ...
Tilapia: A popular choice for beginners due to their hardiness, fast growth, and tolerance to a wide range of water conditions. Tilapia are also excellent for both eating and as a nutrient source for plants. Goldfish: Ideal for smaller systems or ornamental purposes. Goldfish are easy to care...
" saysJill Castle, RD, author ofFearless Feeding: How to Raise Healthy Eaters From High Chair to High School.A child who's always nibbling will never feel hungry. Plus, if your child skimps at one meal, you'll both know there's another opportunity ...
The last step in the process is to add your fish to the system. These are a few of your options to choose from: Tilapia- easiest to raise, grow out faster and are forgiving of conditions. Catfish- prefer warmer water and are more disease resistant than other options. ...
texture doesn’t allow the pond to sufficiently hold the water. Carefully watch for burrowing animals such as moles, gophers or muskrats that can make holes in the levee. To raise a larger number of tilapia in the pond, add an aeration device to increase the oxygen content of the water....
I hear of more and more folks who are adding aquaculture to their small homesteads. I think it’s a brilliant idea- especially considering that the last package of Tilapia I bought was from China… (and no, I won’t be buying that brand again! I’ve had to start using cod for my ...
I am very much interested to start a shrimp farm however id like to raise it in a tank. can you help me get started? Looking forward to your response. Thanks, Cainta, Rizal. Philippines rodneysaid on March 22, 2010 I lived on the gulf coast for years fishing and shrimping was a big...
I want more information to raise shrimp in my greenhouses in NJ, freshwater Bindhu said on July 18, 2009 I would like to start shrimp farm in tanks at home on small scale basis. Please advise mohsin khan said on July 21, 2009 i want to start a large fresh water prawn business in th...
For those of you new to this particular roller coaster - Welcome! Returning friends - Hello again. What about the IDC? Well, I'm still heartbroken over Adrien. I haven't given up on it but at the same time, I'm not quite ready to pick it back up. Plus let's let werewolves ...