During fall and spring, when light and darkness are more evenly distributed, your orchids can continue to luxuriate in their daily dose of six to eight hours of indirect sunlight. These seasons provide the perfect opportunity for your orchids to rejuvenate, store energy, and prepare for their ne...
You can actually create your own mini space heater using candles and a few terracotta or ceramic pots. Here’s a tutorial on how to make your own candle-powered heater by Gardening for Beginners: 5. Raise animals Photo Credit:RelaxedPlace| Canva Pro |License Have you ever wanted to supplem...
Below are 2 basic potting mixes that work for most kinds of orchids. Just make sure to add water to your mix and strain it before using it for the best results.[2] Make a fine potting mix, which is suitable for slipper orchids, most oncidiums, miltonias, and orchids with small ...