How To Raise Kind Kids: And Get Respect, Gratitude, and a Happier Family in the BargainReffner, Julia M. AUTHORLibrary Journal
How to raise kidswhocan overcome anxiety?成长意味着要面对新的挑战,但对于一些孩子来说,不确定的情况会导致焦虑,父母经常寻求安抚。心理学家安妮 · 玛丽 · 阿尔巴诺解释了为什么不断地急于解决孩子的问题会使依赖和怨恨的终身循环延续下去,并分...
Growing up means facing new challenges -- but for some kids, uncertain situations lead to anxiety that parents often seek to soothe. Psychologist Anne Marie Albano explains how constantly rushing to fix a child's problems can perpetuate a lifelong cycle of dependence and resentment -- and shares...
【TED: How to raise successful kids? 如何养育成功的孩子?】现在的父母把孩子的一切都计划好、设计好,安排他们的活动、“爱好”、补习班、小学初中高中甚至是大学。这肯定不是最好的教育方法。来看这个TED talk,并跟读模仿、提升发音听力!#ted演讲# #育儿专家说# L杨帅口语-学为贵的微博视频 ...
Fortunately, parents can actively encourage their kids to be more curious and seek out opportunities to learn — and they can do it without resorting to nagging, according to Anderson, who co-wrote a book with education expert Rebecca Winthrop called "The Disengaged Teen" that published e...
but we must not make that child dependent. He advised parents to begin training kids from the very beginning to stand on their own two feet. He also cautioned that if children get the impression that their parents have nothing better to do than be at their beck and call, they would gain...
根据文章第一段中的“Kids aren’t born knowing how to be responsible.They must be taught.Children who don’t learn to be responsible for their actions grow up to become irresponsible adults and blame others for their shortcomings.”可知,孩子不是天生就知道如何负责任的。我们应该教给他们如何负...
当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《海外直订Parenting discipline: How to raise kids without drama 育儿纪律:如何在没有戏剧的情况下抚养孩子》。最新《海外直订Parenting discipline: How to raise kids without drama 育儿纪律:如何在没有戏剧的情况下抚养孩子
"The worddisciplinecomes from the Latin word for 'instruction,'" says Thomas Lickona, PhD, a developmental psychologist and author ofHow to Raise Kind Kids."In a character-based approach to parenting, discipline is used to teach habits like kindness and respect." To be truly effective, it ...
How to Raise Kids Who Are Smart About Money Everyone knows the earlier you learn a language, the easier it is to master. Learning a foreign language at four takes a lot less effort than learning one at forty. The same ...