The experts point out that books and toys are not enough to raise empathetic, anti-racist children. In the end, children are watching how their parents behave, so it is important to model the right behavior for them when it comes to race. Stephens says that being introspective as you proce...
As a mother and as the CEO of a company whose goal is to empower children, I’ve been particularly focused on learning about how to talk to kids about racism and how to raise anti-racist kids. The first time it really hit me that I needed to prioritize this for my family was ...
Why Social Science Fails Blacks and How to be Truly Anti-racistHarries, JimCurrents in Theology & Mission
The union wants its members to receive $25 per hour for the next two years, while management wants its employees to continue receiving the current $20 per hour. On the distributive diagonal, it’s easy to go back and forth on the seesaw between $25 and $20 an hour for union wages. T...
Donate time and/or money to community organizations that serve the youth of color. Mentor White kids on being anti-racist citizens who fight for justice. Support post-prison programs, because the inflated incarceration rates of Black and Latino people lead to theirlong-term economic and political...
To the professor who makes a microaggression, to point it out, well, you may get a bad grade, you may be labeled a troublemaker. If you’re an employee and a manager makes a microaggression, well, pointing it out can cost you that promotion, that raise or perception that you have....
Instead, trolls taught Tay racist, misogynistic and antisemitic language, with her language becoming so hostile and offensive within hours that Microsoft suspended the account. Microsoft's experience highlighted another big risk with building and using AI: Itmust be taught well to work ri...
And there, my friends, lies an issue we must try and discuss with our children. As we all know, not all police officers are racist. And maybe you have a child at home that would love to become a policeman or policewoman one day. So, now is the chance for us to instill a new wa...
research by Cheryl Kaiser and colleagues has demonstrated that the presence of diversity values and structures can actually make matters worse, by lulling an organization into complacency and making Blacks and ethnic minorities more likely to be ignored or harshly treated when they raise valid concerns...
It may be tempting to hear this and question why we would then raise this in school if it risks upsetting children. But this underlines exactly why we must not shy away from having these important discussions, as they can have a long-term impact on children’s mental health and wellbeing...