You’ll need to turn it back on when you raid. How accurate is HSW? HSW is very accurate for Resto Druids and Mistweaver Monks. Results for other specs will be very mixed and you should stick to using other stat tools for them. Want to read more about stats? Resto Druid: https://...
Out of Incarn is where it has issues, as drought of Ravage sucks… lots of haste + Skyfury makes that feel better. And a reminder, shifting to cat form is ONLY for raid bosses… if they had given bears access to Primal Wrath it could have been really cool, but sadly not. 2 Likes...
Reply to bob 1 year ago They’re not, resto druids are bottom healers in logs. This valanyr guide and the healer tier list is a complete joke. -1 Reply Linslock 1 year ago Has anyone noticed a bug with deafening roar? my raid with 3lights has a dbm note for deafening roar...
but they’re very powerful healers even without it. The druid pushes above other classes for party and raid heals at later levels, but can deal with the kinds of spike damage reserved for tanks just fine, too. The heal over time effects of many Druid heals make them less straight-forward...
Thus, they were held back progression wise even though they had the capacity to do so. I know this from personal experience, as the person who raid lead our group was one of the strongest raiders in the game (he came back and we went 11/12 heroic clear BWD), and we were STUCK on...
My group composition is a bear tank, 3 BM hunters and a resto druid with the main focus on my group being for Mythic+. Each character has a very simplistic rotation and because of this it allows them to perform rather optimally with being able to clear Mythic 15 back before they redid ...
into raiding guild, because now you can just link your achievement/DPS/runLFRwithofficer and get a spot (at least on a bench), then you had to give shitton of mats, get consumables for half of a raid and do other grindy things to fill up guild bank just to prove yourself "worthy"...