As a brief note today, I’ve been reading the Bhagavad Gita (translated by Jack Hawley) (#ad) lately, and he shares this good line that relates to desire, attachment, and even addiction: “Realizing the truth of your True Self is your principal weapon for eradicating desire.” My short...
Later, he famously invoked a quote from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." In the decades following that detonation, humanity quaked with fear at atomic weaponry. As the global nuclear arsenal swelled, so, too, did our dread of the breed of war we...
the spring of emotional forces, of constructive energies, of directive and judiciary powers;” Roberto Assagioli to an undefined but influential ‘higher self;’ Martin Buber to ‘I and Thou;’ Arthur Deikman to an ‘Observing Self;’ Antonio Damasio to a ‘proto self;’ LeDoux to our 'syn...
similarly Love for Krishna will allow us to readily follow the rules and regulations so our seva can be enhanced. Without love, the principles of Brahmacharya are just a burden.Happy Gita Jayanti, please encourage souls to read the Bhagavad Gita on this day....
weapons have grown more powerful. Following the first successful test of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945,Manhattan Projectdirector J. Robert Oppenheimer brooded on the dire implications. Later, he famously invoked a quote from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become death, the destroyer of ...
He gave up his wealth to seek enlightenment and teach. Saint Francis also famously gave up a comfortable life to become closer to God and lived his life in selfless service to others. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna taught that breaking your attachments and doing your duty...
''Woman Hollering Creek'' is a collection of short stories about women along the US-Mexican border. Dealing in themes of culture, transborder identities, gender, abuse, and hope, there's a lot to talk about within each vignet...
” This quote was from an Anonymous author. Another quote that I once read was “Count your blessings, and you will lose count”. Once again by an Anonymous author. My suggestion to you is to start appreciating everything that you have. A simple way to do this is to start saying two...
Hindu traditions are largely regional and vary widely, and it would be impossible to distill into a single traditional prayer for mealtime. Personal mantras are common before-meal prayers, as well as recitations from the Bhagavad Gita (specifically the 4th chapter). A typical example might look...