theTitleandSubtitle(in italics and title case), the edition if specified, the location and name of the publisher, and the publication year. To cite an e-book or a book accessible online, add the format (e.g., “Kindle”) or the DOI to the end of the bibliography entry: ...
There are actually two types of dashes, each with different uses: theem dash—also called the "long dash," according to Oxford Online Dictionaries—and theen dash, which doesn't have another name but falls between the hyphen and em dash in terms of length. The en dash is so named becau...
[online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jun. 2014]. In-text citation Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment. Template (Author Surname, Year Published) Example Hologram (Anon, 2014) Popular ...
syntax matters – especially in business. How you write can speak volumes regarding your professionalism, your company, and its capabilities. As an editor, you have to know not only how to correct syntax, but also when to do it.
A theory, according to the New Oxford Dictionary of English, is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something. In “A Good Book, In Theory,” Alan Sears writes that a theory provides an explanation of a phenomenon that uses some sort of broader framework of understanding...
Spektor, Matias