Lady Macbeth Quote Analysis Macbeth foreshadows his dark deed when he says, “Stars hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires” (1.4.57-8). The dark deed that he plans indicates his long sought after aspiration to be the strongest and most influential person in Scotlan...
How is Lady Macbeth presented throughout Macbeth? What literary/rhetoric device is used in this quote. "It was obvious that the Committee would not have dealt such a blow to confidence in shipping, which had been recovering, without the gravest reaso ...
A quote that has developed synonym with Macbeth is, “Fair is foul and foul is fair” (1.1.11) which introduces deceptiveness, debut, and one of the most important themes of this tragedy, appearance versus reality. Shakespeare uses numerous characters and situations to emphasize the confusion ...
In Shakespeare's Othello, why is the quote "I am not what I am" significant? What does it reveal about Iago's character and why is this important for us to know? How did Macbeth die? Banquo tells Macbeth something the King did right before going to bed. What is the fina...
“To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus” (Act 3, Scene 1) In case it was in any doubt, in this Macbeth ambition quote he explicitly states that all of his violent actions are for his own good: “For mine own good
This post will attempt to teach you how to say “no” when it matters most. At the very least, it will share my story of getting there. It’s a doozy. Here’s the short version: I’m taking a long break from investing in new startups. No more advising, either. Please don’t ...
MACBETH. This is a sorry sight. [Looking at his hands] LADY MACBETH. A foolish thought to say a sorry sight. MACBETH. There's one did laugh in sleep, and one cried "Murder!" That they did wake each other. I stood and heard them; But they did say their prayers, and addressed them...
―William Shakespeare, Macbeth 可多睡点觉吧。 Quiz贴了很可爱的题目hhh 2. Procrastination, Memory and Sleep 关于拖延症:拖延来源于对于要去做的事情的负面情绪,因此我们将注意力转移到了其他事情上。但这并不是没有解决方案的,因为研究发现当我们真正开始做不喜欢做的事情的时候,负面的情绪会很快消失。(哇这...
Topic Sentence Context Quote Analysis Donalbain is motivated primarily by his desire to stay alive after Duncan’s brutal murder. When Malcolm questions their silence at their father’s death, Donalbain says, “What should be spoken here, where our fate, / Hid in an auger hole, may rush an...
What ideas are important to consider when writing an essay about The Kite Runner? What are some examples of prejudice in ''Twelve Angry Men''? How is Lady Macbeth presented throughout Macbeth? Why is Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Drea...