When you quote a source, you have to introduce the quote, enclose it in quotation marks, and correctly cite it.
Don’t use a nickname, and make sure your email address is professional. Some hiring managers may reject your application if you use an email address like SweetSurferGirl@yahoo.com, even if you would have otherwise been contacted for an interview. Potential employers want to know you can pres...
Evaluate processes already in place. Don’t look for places to cut corners, but rather look for steps in the process that may not be necessary to complete the same high-quality work. It’s easy to get into the daily habit of following processes when there may in fact be an easier way....
Quoting other people is a staple of many types of writing. Journalists use quotes in their stories, magazine writers interview experts to support their piece, and academics quote research papers. As a blogger, you too can borrow the wisdom of others to inspire and support your writing. This i...
Use quotation marks to represent speech in written text. In nonfiction, they’re commonly used to transcribe a person’s statement, as with an interview or eyewitness account. In fiction, they’re used for writing dialogue or whenever a character says something out loud. “Where is the emergen...
Remember that not every part of the case study has to be in narrative form. You can pull out stats and display them as graphics, highlight direct quotes or other key information, or add a photo of the subject. If your case study is on the longer side, break up the text with subheadi...
How to Cite an Unattributed or Anonymous Interview Unattributed or anonymous interviews should only be cited in the notes and do not require a bibliography entry. It is a good idea to provide some context within the text regarding the absence of the interviewee name (e.g., “names are withhe...
Be careful about personal topics like her dating life in the beginning. Ease into such matters eventually and don’t make it seem like an interview. 4. Keep your messages brief Whether you want to start a conversation with a girl who likes you already or someone you’re trying to woo,...
Plan on meeting with the client and shooting an interview. Seeing the subject, in person, talk about the service you provided them can go a long way in the eyes of your potential customers. Plus, you can create cross-channel posts with the video, or take still images from the video...
Top programming languages to learn Resume building and interview tips Resources to strengthen communication skills Download for FreeLearn more Centering an HTML Element Type with the Text-Align Property What if you don’t want all the text on the page to be centered, or your page contains images...