When you quote a source, you have to introduce the quote, enclose it in quotation marks, and correctly cite it.
When quoting sentences or phrases from your research, you should avoid using dropped quotes. Quotes need to be connected to your writing so that their purpose is clear and so that the writing keeps flowing smoothly. Fortunately, there are several ways to introduce a quote. The first option is...
Whether it be a business quote or a sales quotation, a professional quote is a vital document that sets forth the price options a seller proposes to a potential client. This article walks you through how to create a quote for a job that will engage customers and what tools can be instrume...
Paraphrasing is a valuable skill to develop as a writer and thinker. Rewriting information in your own words can help you understand the source material on a deeper level. Research even shows that doing so will help you remember it. Paraphrasing also helps you flex your vocabulary because it ...
Quoting other people is a staple of many types of writing. Journalists use quotes in their stories, magazine writers interview experts to support their piece, and academics quote research papers. As a blogger, you too can borrow the wisdom of others to inspire and support your writing. ...
Takingnotes:Readyoursourcesforfacts,opinionsandexamplesrelatingtoyoursubject/topic.Eitherinacomputerfileoroncards,jotnotesofinformationimportantinansweringyourresearchquestionorstatementofaproblem/issue. Recordapagenumberinthesourceforeachfactorquoteyoujotdown.Ifyouquotefromasource,makesureyoucopytheexactwordingand...
How to Quote the Author of an Article When you refer to the author for the first time, you always use their full name. When you refer to the author after that, you always use their last name. The following examples show how to use the author's name in an article summary after you ...
Find at least one quote that backs up each point that you have. The quote might be one you found in your research or it could be from the article itself. Be sure to write down the source of each quote so that you can reference it in the essay. ...
writing. When assessing an article in order to gather information for research, it is important that it be based on reliable data and valid information. Although there is no way of knowing whether an article is 100 percent accurate, there are methods to determine the overall validity of a ...
In addition to the in-text citation, you also need the source’s full citation in a bibliography at the end of your research paper. The rules of what to include in a full citation and how to format the bibliography depend on the style. If you’re having trouble citing sources, you can...