This page gives you our world-famous top tips on how to quit vaping as well as helping you understand the different methods for quitting vaping, how they work and the differences between each.What’s stopping you? Not sure if you’re ready to stop vaping? Worried about finding it ...
When you first started vaping, it might have seemed like a better alternative to smoking cigarettes…but maybe you’re finding that now you’re just hooked on something else that makes you feel short of breath and twitchy. Whether your brain is dominated by the urge to hit your pen or yo...
By his junior year of college, Zach Arledge had already tried to quit vaping about half a dozen times. But with each attempt, he found himself reflexively reaching for his Juul within a day. So when he decided to try again, Arledge wanted to be prepared. He waited until winter break,...
How to Quit Vaping 1. Don't try to quit cold turkey. You might think you can stop vaping on your own—but even if the vapes you use contain a lower level of nicotine than traditional cigs, you still need support to wean yourself off completely. "There's currently no study that has ...
There are very few people asking how to quit vaping but there are those few out there, and this article is for them. If you are wanting to quit vaping, we’ve constructed a step-by-step guide to help you quit vaping successfully....
While vaping was initially thought to be better for your health than smoking tobacco, new research may suggest otherwise. Here's a guide on how to quit for good
If you smoke, you're probably aware of a stark reality: Cigarettes are the lead cause of preventable disease, disability and death, killing more than 480,000 people every year. At the same time, an estimated one-third of attempts to quit end in failure—
I used Allen Carr’s Easyway & quit. Chrissie Hynde (Musician, Singer & Songwriter – The Pretenders) Alcohol, Smoking and Vaping west eastI owe allot to this program!It has changed my life in such a big way.I was destined to be a sad lonely old man if I was to have carried ...
One small study from last year found that 80% of people who used e-cigs to quit real cigs were still vaping a year later, compared to just 9% of people who used other nicotine-replacement therapies. AdvertisementADVERTISEMENT What's more, plenty of people — especially teens — who never...
Smoking is considered an addictive disease, which makes it much harder to quit. An addictive disease or addiction describes a persistent habit that is harmful to the person. Thus, addiction is a chronic (long-duration) disease with reliance on the substance causing the addiction. The addictive ...