In Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.4, a single data source implementation has been introduced to support an Oracle RAC cluster. It responds to FAN events to provide Fast Connection Failover (FCF), Runtime Connection Load-Balancing (RCLB), and RAC instance graceful shutdown. XA affinity is supporte...
Let us now see how to aggregate some statistics into a single row for each database. XML and STUFF are used to generate the comma separated values in a single row. We also explore the same functionality using theSTRING_AGGfunction in SQL Server 2017, to derive the same results with just ...
I need to receive the same results in SQL Server. I took row_number syntax from your query. I made it as: select row_number() over (order by to_step_id asc) as row_number, all_steps.to_step_id as step_id from ( SElECT 0 from_step_id, steps.step_id as to_step_id ...
However, I can't run it in VS2017 because of this error: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error An error occurred while signing: Failed to sign bin\Release\app.publish\SQLSvrDETool_OOP.exe. SignTool Error: No certificates were found that met all the given ...
Migrate Data from Oracle to MS SQL Server Get a DemoTry it Migrate Data from MongoDB to PostgreSQL Get a DemoTry it Step 4: Creating a Linked Server in SQL Server For this step, it is recommended that you leverage the following T-SQL snippet to create the linked server to your SQLite...
one of the co-founders of Greg has been working with SQL Server since 1999, has authored numerous database-related articles, and delivered several presentations related to SQL Server. Before SQL Server, he worked on many data platforms such as DB2, Oracle, Sybase, and ...
Oracle Net Services - Version to [Release 12.1 to 12.2]: How to Enable Oracle SQL*Net Client , Server , Listener , Kerberos and External procedure
Querying Data at a Point in Time (Flashback Query)Although some Oracle tools and applications simplify or mask the use of SQL, all database operations are performed using SQL, to take advantage of the security and data integrity features built into Oracle.Overview...
Migrating your data from sources like SQL Server and Oracle doesn’t have to be complex. Relax and go for a seamless migration using Hevo’s no-code platform. With Hevo, you can: Effortlessly extract data from SQL Server, Oracle and other 150+ connectors. Tailor your data to SQLO Serv...
How to get unmatched rows between tables with group by Another way to find different rows is to count the number in each table. Then return rows where there is a mismatch in these counts. Do this like so: Query each table, adding two columns. These return one and zero, …...