You require a minimum percentage of to qualify the NDA written exam and shortlist for interview. The minimum qualifying marks set by UPSC is 25% marks in mathematics and 25% marks in general ability section each. The official UPSC site release cutoff with the final NDA result with interview ...
Candidates must work smartly and prepare their bodies for the absolute to qualify for NDA. Tips to crack NDA Physical Test Here’s how you can crack the Physical round of the NDA exam: Focus on the physical conditioning All candidates must keep themselves in good shape and adopt a strict ...
To get more information about NDA DAT prepration tips, go through below mentioned link. NID DAT exam will be conducted in two phases i.e Preliminary Exam and Mains Exam. Both the exams are for 3 hours. There will be maxi...
NDA Selection Process –NDA selects candidates through a written exam which consists of English, physics, chemistry, maths, general aptitude, history, geography and current affairs set by the UPSC board. After clearing the written test, candidates move on to attending SSB test. SSB (Service selec...
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