Medicare, which provides benefits to people over 65 and the disabled Medicaid, which is for low-income people Tricare, which covers military service members and their families Children's Health Insurance Program, or "CHIP," a federal-state effort to cover children and pregnant women...
Eligible for Medicaid Eligible for Obamacare subsidy Ineligible for financial assistance Caught in the coverage gap* 24%19%47%10% Undocumented immigrants don’t qualify for coverage. Some consumers turned down insurance at work or make too much to qualify for Obamacare tax credits (though they co...
Since many part-time jobs are at low-wage, part-time workers are unlikely to be able to afford premiums for dependent coverage. In many states may not qualify for Medicaid either, although their children will usually qualify for Medicaid or C.H.I.P. ...
6,7 Historically, reimbursement for genital GAS under Medicaid or Medicare has been lower than the rates of private insurance. This study assesses the availability of genital GAS for patients seeking these medical services throughout the United States. Our approach sought to mirror how patients gain...