For most people, if you qualify for the credit card you’ve applied for, you will be approved instantly. People who are borderline or run afoul of the bank’s credit card application rules will be declined or have their application go to a pending status. Banks are cracking down ...
An easy way to check to see if you're prequalified for a credit card is to check the company's website. Provide your name, address and the last four digits of your Social Security number to see if you're prequalified.
Chase offers some of the most rewardingbusiness credit cardson the market. If you're pending for a business card application, we suggest that it's best to just patiently wait. DON'T jump the gun and call the reconsideration hotline to check your application status. The reconsideration call i...
Learn what to look for when picking your first student credit card. Discover more helpful information for student credits with Chase.
Here are the steps to get pre-approved for a Chase credit card -- and tips on how to check your pre-approval status.
Chase Business Credit Card Strategy It’s simple when you think about it. Once you have all three cards (or if you decided to just get the one Chase Ink card that suited your needs best) it’s time to look at what spend to put on which card. ...
And of course, if you want to search for cards offered by certain credit card issuers, you can do so through the marketplace. For instance, if you aren't eligible for any moreChase credit cardsbecause of its5/24 rule, you can filter your search to only showAmerican ExpressorCapital One...
Chase Sapphire Reserve® approval is tougher than for the Sapphire Preferred. It's a premium travel rewards card with a $550 annual fee. You typically need an excellent credit history and high income. The minimum credit limit for the Reserve is $10,000, so you'll have to show you can...
Chase Sapphire Reserve®: 50% more value on points redeemed for travel via Chase Travel℠ Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card: Global Entry or TSA PreCheck credit. Citi Rewards+℠ Student Card: For every purchase, points are rounded up to the nearest 10 points (This card is no lon...
FHA loans may offer homebuyers more flexible lending requirements and a lower down payment. Learn how to get an FHA loan, the pros and cons and how to qualify.