Shop for the right lender You typically need a credit score of 670 or better to qualify for a car loan but there are lenders that work with borrowers who have bad credit: The car-loan marketplace MyAutoloan allows shoppers to compare loan terms and rates, with options for those with FICO...
If you buy an electric vehicle, you may be lucky to qualify for the sales tax credit as you contribute to ecology and energy consumption reduction. According to the IRS, you can claim the credit “if you purchased a car or truck with at least four wheels and a gross vehicle weight of ...
Keep in mind that you’ll need good credit to qualify for most automakers’ low interest rate deals. (Endai Huedl / Getty Images) Financing offers lower the amount of money you spend in interest, while cash back offers effectively lower the price of a new car. The best interest rate ...
Car salespeople have a lot of tricks to get you to pay more for a car and its hard to really know what is a fair price, when you are getting a good deal or a bad deal. This makes it tough to negotiate a car price. Nonetheless, it was time for us to upgrade to a new minivan...
A down payment can also offset higher interest rates and lower your loan-to-value ratio, which can also help you qualify for better terms. In general, a larger down payment is better when you have a low credit score. However, some bad credit lenders may be willing to accept a down paym...
Being self-employed has its advantages, but it also makes it more difficult to qualify for a mortgage. There is no magic wand you can wave to remove the challenges, but there are a few steps that can help.
when Kenya will be slightly too rich to qualify for the "least developed country" status that allows African producers to avoid paying stiff European import duties on selected agricultural products. With trade barriers in place, the horticulture industry in Kenya will shrivel as quickly as a discar...
How to get a service dog If you’re ready to find your new companion, start with these steps: Determine your eligibility. While exceptions exist, you may need to meet certain medical criteria to qualify for a service dog. Your condition may also determine the breed of dog you should look...
Needing a smaller down payment to qualify for a lease versus a car loan Having the option to purchase the vehicle at the end of the lease term Signing a vehicle lease allows for flexibility because you're not locked into the vehicle for the long term. When the lease expires, you can swi...
Yes, electric vehicles in the U.S. qualify for up to a $7,500 tax credit if they meet certain requirements, which include the car manufacturer, vehicle type, purchase date, price, and buyer income. For example, the vehicle must be a new, qualified, plug-in electric vehicle or fuel-cel...