Say you have just set up your new computer, transferring your data, settings, and accounts from the old one. Instead of a regular old static image on your background screen, you can now change your wallpaper to a cool picture or set a moving video or animation as your desktop background...
Different Wallpaper for different monitors does make your workplace more appealing. Many users want detail-oriented wallpapers for their monitors reflecting their thoughts and interests. Though this feature is hidden in the settings, we can configure a Windows PC to set multiple wallpapers for dual ...
If you didn’t know, you can set live wallpaper on yourWindows 11PC in the same way you did with Windows 10. However, because this is not an operating system option, you’ll need to install some third-party software to get it to work. How can I set a live wallpaper? It’s a ...
In recent Windows 11 build, a new hidden feature has been discovered that allows you to put custom drawn stickers over your wallpaper. It comes in addition to put the predefined sets of stickers, and works in pair with it. Here are the steps you need to take to get the feature working...
Click “Personalization” on the sidebar options. Go to the “Background” page. Choose “Slideshow” from the “Personalize your background” dropdown. Click the “Browse” button. Select thewallpaper folder. Press on the “Choose this folder” button. ...
Switch on the mode called “Automatically Hide the taskbar in Desktop.” You can also tweak other taskbar settings so it takes up less real estate on your screen. 2. Set new desktop wallpaper Changing thewallpaperis an easy and classic move to make when personalizing your computer. Simply ...
Removing wallpaper may seem like a no-brainer at first, but once you begin, you realize it’s not as simple as you thought. If you have found yourself in this position,B A Madden, apainter and decorator in London, has some tips on howto remove wallpaper from your walls. There are ...
WSH can be used to automate repetitive tasks, modify system settings or even launch applications. For example, you can create a script that cleans your hard drive, changes your wallpaper, or opens your favorite web browser. How to enable or disable Windows Script Host?
Tips On How Not To Keep Your Ipad From Shutting Down - When you are in the middle of browsing and doing some work on your gadget and what could be worst
Things to consider when you crop an image on your Mac 1. What shape do you want the final image to be? Many image editors allow you to choose the shape you want before you start cropping and then ’lock’ the relative dimensions of the long and short sides so that the image is alway...