Do you know how to peel garlic quickly or do you avoid fresh garlic so you don’t have to peel it at all? I used to buy jars of pre-chopped garlic because Ihatepeeling garlic. It feels like it takes years when I am hustling to get dinner done. I use a lot of garlic in my re...
While garlic can be planted in early spring, however, it’s more common to plant in late fallafter a hard frost to give garlic plants a head start on spring growth.Why? Garlic needs a cold period to grow—about ten weeks before 45°F (or 8°C). If you live in a warmer climate, ...
but why buy garlic bread that is filled with artificial preservatives when you can make your own flavorful garlic bread with fresh ingredients. Homemade garlic bread is a snap to make at home, even without using garlic powder or pre-prepared...
Swap the chives forfinely chopped parsley or dillfor a different fresh herb flavor. How to Store Boiled Carrots If you want to make this ahead of time, just boil your carrots and let them chill before wrapping them up, then put them in the fridge. When you’re ready to serve, warm th...
In July, the Cavolo Nero plants can be transplanted to their final positions. They are the perfect plant to transplant out to fill the gaps left by recently harvested garlic and broad beans. In optimum growing conditions each plant can grow up to 1m (3') in height and width, so allow ...
This simple recipe for pickled garlic is adapted from theBall Complete Book of Home Preserving, which has more tested canning recipes than any other canning book I’ve seen to date. It’s just shy of 3/4 vinegar, and the remainder of the liquid is made up with either water or dry whit...
Fresh celery is the most flavorful and crisp. Celery will keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks in a plastic bag. If stalks start to wilt, refrigerate them in a container of cold water. Celery chilled quickly after picking in a cold water bath will last longer in storage than ce...
This recipe is as simple as it gets—just cauliflower,olive oil, salt, and pepper. But if you want to kick up the flavor, here are a few easy ways to do it: Garlic– Sauté a few minced cloves in oil until they’re golden and fragrant, then toss in the cauliflower rice. It smell...
While most of the garden is getting put to bed, garlic is just getting started. Planting garlic in the fall may seem a bit backward, but it’s the best way to ensure a good crop the following year. Most garden veggies are tender annuals, planted in the spring after danger of last fr...
Fresh garlic can prevent arteriosclerotic changes and blood thickening. Helps to normalized blood pressure Good for cardiovascular diseases, to help prevent strokes, and shortness of breath Garlic has been used for yeast, bacterial and viral infections, colds and reduces allergic reactions ...