Zone 1: Place the plants deer like in the zone nearest to the house. Either put up a fence, or spray regularly with deer deterrents. Zone 2: In the middle area, you can create a zone in which you place plants that are less resistant to deer but have elements you like to see in ...
Set up an inexpensive motion detector in your garden. When a deer triggers it, the noise will scare the deer back into the woods. Drape fabric netting over plants and (most) deer will stay clear. For a natural deer deterrent, scatter dog or human hair around your garden, hang human hai...
that still may be off-putting enough to steer clear of the diy spray route. If that sounds like you, try this alternative. Irish Spring bar soap is one well known deer repellent hack that always comes up in searches and conversations about solving a garden deer problem. ...
A deer has to eat 6-8% of its bodyweight in plant material each day. That means an adult deer can eat over a dozen pounds of plant foliage per day. (Think about how many leaves from your fruit trees and vegetable garden plants it takes to add up to 12 pounds!) Also, deer are s...
Put up sturdy plastic netting or wire mesh along the perimeter of the vegetable garden. Use sturdy posts or stakes placed every 2 feet so that the wind will not blow it over. Keep it high, approximately 6 to 7 feet, to discourage the deer from jumping over it. ...
have fence height restrictions. If you are unable to erect an eight to ten-foot fence you could put up a six-foot fence and string wires across from the tops of fence posts with metallic or bright colored strips hanging from it, or cover the top of the fenced area with deer netting. ...
KLEWEE Bird Netting, 7.5′ x 25′ Birds are great at getting to your delicious fruit the day before you plan to harvest. Netting can help to avoid that pang of disappointment. Deer might take a bite or twoout of plants as well, like in my case where there are plenty of them living...
Chicken wire is a very versatile product, used for a range of purposes from chicken coops to plant supports to framing for parade floats and stucco walls. Chicken wire is often sold under the name poultry wire or poultry netting and is very flexible, yet
Chicken wire:Cover the ground in your garden with chicken wire to prevent digging. Roll the sharp edges of the wire under so the cats and other wildlife don’t cut themselves. Plastic netting:Plastic bird netting is a cheaper, more flexible alternative to chicken wire. Lay it on the ground...
Deterring Predator Pressure –Regarding predator pressure, such as birds and deer, netting and fencing have been very effective on our homestead. It’s not always realistic to net or fence around your fruit trees, and in this case, I have found that having dogs also helps deter the birds an...