sheetrock, or paneling interiors if you want to stay on the cheap side of things and still look great. Brick, ceramic, and concrete are also options. Be sure to research the prices of specific interior finishes before you decide on one because they differ widely in price range....
Congratulations on completing your puzzle. Now it's time to decide if you will be framing your masterpiece or crumbling it back up to put in the box to share with another, or to redo the puzzle at a later time. If you decide to frame your puzzle, we have some expert tips and advice...
Choose the delicate or short normal cycle with warm or hot water, then add laundry detergent and fabric-safe bleach. Wash it with some old towels to help with scrubbing. Place it in the dryer on low heat for only a few minutes (never leave it unattended), then re-hang it to finish ...
When you do an internet search for “how to remove wallpaper glue from walls”, you end up finding all sorts of articles that suggest all manner of mixtures to rewet glue and remove it from a wall. I read a lot of those articles as I needed to wash wallpaper glue off of the walls...
Here are a couple recipes I have on hand for both indoor and outdoor messes along with some deterrent suggestions. Recipe #1 This is to tackles messes outside the home, be aware that this treatment may affect lawn and plants that the solution comes in contact with. If it’s on surfaces...
TRANSITION FROM TILE BACKER BOARD TO DRYWALL 45 related questions found What is the difference between durock and sheetrock? Mold resistant drywall is exactly as it states. It is made just like regular drywall except that is had more fiberglass in it and thepaper has less organic product in it...
I was wondering what to put directly on the concrete walls if drain tile was installed in the interior and dimpleboard was was run about one foot up the basement wall. This would would obviously cause the foam board to be away from the wall or do I just rest it on the dimpleboard?
Cut your drywall to size with a sharp utility knife and drywall T-Square. Stand the drywall up on edge, hit the back with your knee and score it with the utility knife. Step 4: Label Drywall Label the drywall edge as ‘Door’ for the door side. ...
So, the first lesson here is this: You need to skim coat drywall if you want a smooth finish. Now that I’ve gotten up close and personal with my bathroom drywall, I’m learning that the above is definitely true in my case. Next lesson I’ve learned: To do it right, you will ...
(I personally wouldn't try to taper the existing drywall, as the paper is an integral part of the structure, and shaving some of that off would undermine it.) This is personal preference, but I'd use mesh tape that's advertised as "ultra thin", such as FibaTape Perfect Finish. (...