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Pythagorean Theorem Calculator How Is the Pythagorean Theorem Useful Today? Basics of The Pythagorean Theorem In its simplest form, the Pythagorean theorem states that in a hypothetical right triangle abc: a² + b² = c². The value of c² is equal to the sum of the squares, wher...
The SUM function is a built-in function, categories under the Math/Trig Function. This adds each value in a range of cells before returning the total. Select the second cell G5, and put the formula into that selected cell. =SUM(D5:F5) Hit the Enter key to see the outcome. Drag ...
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In ExcelVBA, theMod operatorreturns the remaining portion of a division. In this method, we will create aUserFormto design a division calculator that returns a remainder as an output. We can customize ourUserFormas we wish and insert acommand buttonto execute the division. We will use a sim...