2. Then drag the fill handle down to the cells that you want to contain this formula, and the cells in the same row have been concatenated by space at once, see screenshot:Notes: In the above formulas, A2, B2, C2 are the cells that you want to concatenate. If there are more cel...
Method 3 – Add Blank Spaces Between Two Text Values Using the CONCATENATE Function in ExcelStep 1:Enter the following formula in cell D5.=CONCATENATE(B5, " ", C5)Formula Breakdown: The CONCATENATE formula takes 3 arguments. The first is the First Name (B5). The second is the space ...
According to the above formula, first, you need to add content for the first columns, followed by that of the second column with the space in between. Moreover, you can put commas, speech marks, dash, text, or any other symbol you need in place of space. Tip 3 Correctly Display Numbe...
Normally we can apply the CONCATENATE function and specify cells from different worksheets one by one to concatenate them in Excel. Select a blank cell you will put the concatenation result into, and enter the formula=CONCATENATE(Tea!A1," ",Coffee!A1," ",'Soft Drink'!A1," ",Milk!A1," ...
ii. Using the Excel CONCATENATE Function Steps: Enter the formula. =CONCATENATE(B5," ",C5) Space: " " is the second text (text2) in the function. Drag down the Fill Handle to see the result in the rest of the cells. iii. Use the CONCAT Function to Concatenate Columns Steps: Enter...
Can you concatenate XLOOKUP results? How to use XLOOKUP with dates? What if I don't have the lookup column in the left-most column? XLOOKUP of three columns to pull a single record Return multiple instances FILTER records based on three conditions 1.1 How to use the VLOOKUP function with...
Here are the 5 easiest methods to concatenate a range of cells into a single cell which you can use in different situations.
1. Type “=con” in the target cell and choose if you want to use the CONCAT or the CONCATENATE function. Double-click on the chosen function. 2. Type the argument as the text you want to add in inverted commas (“”) and choose the cell you wish to add after it. ...
Note:To concatenate double quotes, type double quotes in place of single quotes and add two new double quotes on both sides of the formula. So, the formula becomes: =”””&C5&””” The result of this formula will be:“Sales”. Read ...
In this formula, CONCATENATE takes the names inA2,B2, andC2and joins them together. Keep in mind that CONCATENATE doesn't support delimiters. Therefore, to avoid the names running together, include a space after each name in the original cell. ...