But do yourself a favor and find a pre-moistened towelette or a cotton square and some baby oil before you hit the sheets. Yes, opinions abound as to what you should be using to remove your makeup. But what's most critical is that you get mascara, in particular, off your face to a...
Using a pair of clean eyelash tweezers, gently tease your eyelashes from the packaging, starting from the outer edge. Next, hold them up to your eye using the same tweezers to measure how much needs to be removed before application. The strip lash should begin and end where your natural on...
I recall an ex-eyelash puller telling me how he'd stopped himself from eyelash pulling. He'd noticed that he only did it when he was alone in the evenings. He decided that if it became more difficult to physically pluck at his eyelashes and eyebrows, he'd be much less likely to bothe...
Spend a Friday night watching women parade in town centres the length and breadth of Britain and you will be able to see for yourself that they take the drag queen make-up and hooker uniform they see on screen literally. I recently talked to a group of teenage girls at a school in Hack...
Find out how to add the perfect shadow with this tutorial by Korean makeup artist Pony. Use Eyeshadow Instead Of Eyeliner A post shared by Claire Marshall (@heyclaire) on Feb 16, 2015 at 4:13pm PST If you find yourself constantly drawing on super thick eyeliner, try using dark eyeshado...
How to start a skin care line FAQ How do I make skin care products to sell? If you’re getting started, you can experiment with basic skin care formulations on your own to get a feel for the color, consistency, and scent. Some skin care can be made from home, but more complicated ...
Product photography is one of the most popular photographic genres in commerce. A good product shot can be the difference between a well-selling product and one that no one wants to buy.
Your glasses should not be so snug that the lenses touch your eyelashes. Eyeglass frames shouldn’t rest on your cheeks (unless they are an oversized pair). Your eyes should align with the center of each lens. The frames should be comfortable. ...
It is the first step for your work to be successful. Get yourself some good cosmetics and tools and keep them handy when you put on your makeup. Using a quality base will make your makeup look much better. And it may even be advisable to also use a primer . A good primer will hel...
Be REALLY Careful with material order, it’s VERY important later on. Basically, keep it like it was and put your new material at the bottom. In Edit mode, select everything assigned to the original SkinAlpha material EXCEPT the eyelashes, and assign to the new material. Eyeleshes are no...