本文主要讲如何有效的存钱,本空后说到这里有四件事可能对你有用,可以推断本空提出一个问题,后面跟着解决这个问题的方法,G项How can you make sure you're motivated enough to put money aside on a regular basis? 你如何确保自己有足够的动力定期存钱? 符合题意,故选G。2.考查上下文语境连接理解。本段主要...
How to Save Money as a Kid Put your money aside right away so you'll be le tempted to spend it Saving money can be really hard when you're a kid. There's always Whenever you get money. whether it's allowance, money you earned, or a something fun to buy, especially when in can...
ASK BETTER MONEY HABITS How do I set and stick to a savings goal? Watch video, 1 minute Slide 3 Did you know? Getting in the habit of saving is the hardest part. Try to put something in savings each month to get started. Slide 4 Saving & Budgeting How to set achievable financ...
“Save it for rainy day.” That’s my motto.When I have a choice between spending my money or putting it in my savings account at the bank,I always put it in the bank.I will have a lot of expenses in the future like my education,travel,and unforeseen emergencies.I need ...
put money aside into arainy-day fundor put a deposit down for amortgageon a house. Learning how to save is important, but a recent study showed that over half of all 22 – 29-year-olds living in the UK have no ...
Nowadays, many people don't plan before spending. They usually spend a lot of money and spend it in advance. At the critical moment, they can only ask their parents for help. So the first thing you need to know is to learn to keep accounts.现在很多人花销之前都是不计划的,...
For example, it's generally not acceptable to ask someone how much they earn. 例如,问某人赚多少钱一般是不可接受的。 However, people talk about money all the time; in this lesson you'll see how to talk about money in a natural way in English. 然而,人们总是在谈论金钱;在这节课中,大家...
A savings account enables you to deposit your money to save for long-term goals, and possibly grow it if your account earns interest.
2. Put Money Into Eligible Savings Bonds You can buy savings bonds online from the U.S. Department of the Treasury at TreasuryDirect.gov. They're no longer issued in paper form. "If you redeem them and use the money to pay for higher education, excluding room and board, you can...
One of the basics of building a strong financial foundation is saving money. If you find yourself struggling to put money away every month, one strategy that may help is creating savings goals. Defining what you’re saving for and consistently working toward your goals will help you achieve su...