The basic functions of the TI-89 are clear, because you can see them directly on the arrangement of buttons on the calculator itself. What may not be clear is that the TI-89 also has strong matrix capabilities. Entering matrices on the TI-89 is not a particularly difficult affair, because...
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Put the cursor in the box next to the “Frequencies in” heading. Then select the column of data that has the frequencies of the defects from the white box -- in this example, the “C2 Occurrence” data. Double-click on the words “C2 Occurrence” to put these terms into the “Freque...
Theories behind bacteria-driven tumorigenesis in CRC have been put forth since the middle of the 20th century, when McCoy and Mason first suggested a link between Enterococcus and carcinoma of the sigmoid [157]. In 2011, Sears and Pardoll formulated the ‘alpha-bug’ hypothesis, in which speci...
letters to represent plaintext letters. The letter's row becomes the first cipher in the pair, and the column becomes the second cipher. In this example, the enciphered letter "B" becomes "AD," while "O" becomes "FG." Not all ADFGX matrices had the alphabet plotted in alphabetical ...
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