I did baby sit it while it was in the oven as I didn’t want it to over bake and I didn’t feel confident about the baking times. I didn’t put any confectioner’s sugar on top even though the original recipe calls for it. This is not a beauty contest cake, it’s an eating ...
Towel rods are great for organizing.Use them in the closet to hang scarfs, belts or put S-hooks on them to hang purses. Go up.If you have room, buy a tall cabinet with doors to place in your room for storage instead of a chest of drawers. Because it is taller, it will hold so...
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Put a small amount of gentle body wash directly onto the stain. Use gentle circular motions to rub it in (being careful not to rub too hard). Once the stain is removed, use a new damp cloth to remove any excess soap from your bag. Leave the bag to dry thoroughly. How to Cle...
That’s it! To finish it up, hand stitch the opening in the lining closed. Also, fold the center seams UNDER the hinge on the frame. I like to press it a bit to get the pleat to stay. PRINT You May Also Like: Share Email ...
You should never have to pay extra for packaging--if they're wanting to charge, you'll know that the bag is a fake. More ... 7. Characteristics and Distinct Qualities Each brand has its own distinct qualities. Some brands don't use contrasting colors for the lining and exterior of ...
Invest in technology.There are many gadgets designed to keep track of items: You can attach an Apple AirTag to a product you often misplace, for example, and an app will guide you to its location, Sarkis says. Th...
That’s where the baskets come in. Every night, I check the surfaces and put the stuff from the surfaces into the baskets. And then? When the baskets overflow it’s back to our 20 minutes again. 4. how to declutter a room? Donate ...
Step Five: How to add extra pockets to any bag There are a few different methods of attaching these extra pockets to your tote or bag. Method One: Sew the pockets to the bottom of the bag. If you are still working on the lining, pin the pocket to the right sides of the lining. ...
Some essential oils can be applied topically.2-3 drops applied to the bottom of the feet, pulse locations, or the temples is common. You can also put a few drops of an oil on an area that hurts. Check with the manufacturer if each oil is safe for topical use. ...