We removed the railing from the raised deck, cleaned it up, and added a solid deck stain (that looks like paint but should hold up so much better!). Then we added a pergola to the existing deck to add shade. Can you put a pergola on a raised deck? Yes! We are living proof...
Measure the length between the upper and lower lattice piece and cut 5 pieces of lattice to this length. Attach in equally spaced segments across the front of the plywood. Make sure you have a piece of lattice on each edge – this will help “disguise” those imperfect side pieces. If yo...
Install a fence:The most obvious solution is a privacy fence around your backyard. Before you put up a fence, make sure it meets your state’s regulations for swimming pool barriers. You’ll also want to check your city and homeowners association’s fence height rules. TheU.S. Consumer Pr...
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. If you make a purchase through affiliate links on our site, we earn a commission at no cost to you. See ourdisclosure policy. We've chosen the following books to help you in building your own porch (or deck too). ...
A lattice fence that partially encloses an area works well (like my mother has on one side of her deck). Plants can also create a great privacy screen. ©#moreideas – stock.adobe.com For a less permanent option, you can hang some curtains to create a secret garden room. They have...
It was a dark and stormy night. Rain fell in torrents, transforming the road to thick mud. I couldn’t stand at the lattice window any longer, watching for Father. With each excruciating moment that passed, I imagined him hobbling down the road in his best black leather shoes the silver...
Brick patios add an elegance to almost any landscape. Whether paired with a wooden deck or simply adorned by shrubbery, a brick patio offers aesthetic value and durability. A common landscape element, the brick patio can be accentuated by incorporating a circular pattern. A circular patio softens...
Check your slide kit to make sure all of the necessary parts are included. Secure the slide to the ground, deck or concrete around your pool to ensure that it won't tip over when you use it. In some cases, it's best to anchor the slide with fresh concrete. Other pool slides require...
The first thing to do is calculate and write down the overall height or vertical rise the stairs will cover. Assuming a staircase built onto a deck or porch, put a board straight out from the top of the deck. Measure from the end of the board down to the place where the staircase wil...
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