It is useful for hiding spoilers or sensitive information in a chat, allowing users to choose whether or not they want to see the content. Also Read: Are Discord Polls Anonymous? How to Hide Images on Discord Mobile If you want to put up a picture that you might think could be ...
Use copy and paste to export Discord chat messages One way we believe users can easily export messages in a Discord chat is to use the copy-and-paste function. It is not ideal, but it does work and all you’ll need is a text program such as Word, Notepad, or even OneNote to store...
Want to plan ahead for a meeting or gaming session on your Discord server? Learn how to create a Discord event in this guide. Want to chat with your friends in-game? If you want the best tool for the job, you’ll need Discord. Discord isn’t just a gaming platform, however. It’s...
Discord voice chat is different from a party voice chat, which lets you use features such as Share Screen and Share Play. You can't be in a Discord voice chat and a party voice chat at the same time. *Update your PS5 console with the latest system software to use the Discord voice ...
Step 1: Enable the ChatGPT bot on your Discord server To get started, openDiscord.comand log in to your account. Once signed in, click onyour server tabfrom the left sidebar and access the server you’re the administrator of. Now, click on thedownward-facing arrowon the right...
Discord, ChatGPT (OpenAI) Discord + ChatGPT (OpenAI) More details Generate images from a form Forms are a user-friendly way to give people access to AI image tools. With the Zaps below, you can send people a link to a form where they enter their email address and a prompt, and Zapie...
Before I started using Discord, I assumed that it was a platform primarily for gamers. Its voice and video chat features make it an excellent tool for gamers to speak to each other while conquering new levels and exploring new worlds. ...
Subscribe to ournewsletterfor more articles and guides on Ethereum. If you have any feedback, feel free to reach out to us viaTwitter. You can always chat with us on ourDiscordcommunity server, featuring some of the coolest developers you will ever meet :) ...
If you want to take the app to a different level, consider adding synchronization with a cloud service. It should be an important part of team chat app development to give access to storing history, images, and other important files. It will let the users access all files anywhere without ...
Disable images. Set the desired number of columns and remove unwanted default cards. Change the label of one of the cards toContact me on WhatsApp. Select an action for the card toRedirect to URL. In the URL field, insert the link in the following format: ...