To delete a registry key with a .reg file, put a hyphen (-) in front of theRegistryPathin the .reg file. For example, to delete the Test subkey from the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Softwareput a hyphen in front of the following registry key in the .reg file: ...
For example: A notebook, pen, and laptop—these were all in my welcome kit! The en dash (–) is used to mark ranges. For example: The office is open Monday–Friday. It's also used in a few other niche instances, like hyphenating a two-word adjective (e.g., a San Francisco–...
Each sentence has a different feel to it. The em dash puts emphasis on “loud and roaring,” drawing our attention to it. The same can’t be said for when it’s put between commas. There’s no drama and the sentence almost feels mundane. Meanwhile, using parentheses here feels a bit...
The good news is that there are five simple methods to get out of fullscreen mode on a Chromebook. The simplest way is to press theF4key, which is the fifth key from yourEscbutton. You can also use keyboard shortcuts, such asCtrl+Shift+F,Ctrl+Alt+F, andSearch+Hyphen. The“Context ...
Finally, you can insert an em dash with the auto format function in Microsoft Word. This allows you to type an em dash and continue typing your text with little to no pause. Simply type a word, type two hyphens unspaced (the hyphen key is located between the 0 and the + keys on th...
To start the tool, simply click on the Windows icon and type “Smartphone Link” into the search bar. The hyphen is important because if you leave it out Windows will not find the in-house program. Great job, Microsoft. But back to the ...
To make a filename more readable, it used to be standard practice to divide the various parts with a hyphen or an underscore. This was because some software couldn’t cope with spaces. Spaces no longer cause such problems but it’s still best to avoid using any other punctuation such as...
Step 2: In the document, put your cursor where you want to insert the line. Then press the Hyphen key on your keyboard three times. (This key should be located in between the zero key and the plus/equal sign key.) Then press the Enter key. Step 3: A line that stretches between bo...
It’s happened to the best of us: You accidentally shut off your computer before saving the Microsoft Word document you’ve been working on. Or your computer crashes, or the power goes out, or you let the battery run out on your laptop.To avoid frustration with Microsoft Word, recover un...
So what’s wrong with a hyphen? It is mostly problematic when you are saying a domain name out loud. Imagine yourself having a conversation with a potential customer and you have to say blah hyphen blah dot com. Rather than blahblah dot com. Much easier to remember and as I say, no ...