Yes, I needed to use the load() function when reading mat. file and the xlsread function when reading excel files. However to fix the errors I put my downloaded data into a new folder within the matlab folder, restarted matlab and then was able to load the data from the workspace. ...
I want to import a row of headers form Excel into matlab then put each header into its according variable's name in MATLAB. Just like the picture below shows, I import all the variables into a matrix 'X', then I would like to import the header one by one to rename all the columns....
Thank you for the reply, we are able to read data from scanner and able to send data to the PC, but only if we have other application running in our PC, which can read's data from COM port. My requirement is to send data to a open file. without using any application at recei...
Actually I am not able to debug the code as it is for the device and running a big code, so i am putting logs and message boxes. In the message box code I have shared the value is coming to be zero. So I am a bit confused...
You are now ready to enter your macro. The following is an example of a macro that produces a mesh grid in MATLAB and returns the peaks matrix. The first and last lines of the macro should already appear in the sheet Module1.
Open in MATLAB Online This works for me: ThemeCopy % Connect to Excel Excel = actxserver('excel.application'); % Get Workbook object WB = Excel.Workbooks.Open(fullfile(pwd, 'Book1.xlsx'),0,false); % Set the color of cell "A1" of Sheet 1 to RED WB.Worksheets.Item(1).Range('...
This example has been included in the documentation for MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b).
Output = .index(myTable.ListColumns("Name").DataBodyRange, Ref) End With Get the output: UseINDEXandMATCHfunctions to find thestudent name. MsgBox (Output & " has got that score") Display the result: Show the student’s name in a message box. ...
Excel small function application example Example #1 Below are the scores of the students in an examination. From the below-given data, find the smallest and the fourth smallest scores. Now, the formula to find the smallest value in the given list will be =SMALL(B2:B11, 1) or =MIN(B2:...
How to convert a code from C language to Matlab?. Learn more about from c to matlab, convert c to matlab MATLAB, Image Processing Toolbox