You’ll need the help ofCS:GO’s developer console to create custom radio commands. By default, you should be able to bring up the console by pressing the “~” key on your keyboard. If nothing shows up, you’ll need to head over to settings and find the “Enable Developer Console” ...
If you’re running custom maps you might want to say that as well. But you’re going to have to keep it fairly short, long names get truncated in the server browser. Find a good map rotation. It’s hard to define this, different players are looking for different things. Even today ...
"copying from masters". I would choose an artist that I admired or wanted to learn from. I would find a drawing/painting that contained certain elements I wanted to improve upon. I would then re-create the drawing. I would break down the drawing or paintings into shape...
The first one I tried wasStar Trek: The Next Generation: Klingon Honor Guardand let me just say that my FPS SP gaming life nearly died on the exit of that little shuttle. All I remember about it, was this shuttle at the start of the game and the doors open and I had to get out....