U.S. Army soldiers wear badges not only to identify themselves in the chain of command but also to reflect the various accomplishments they’ve achieved and qualifications they’ve earned while serving their country. Insignia badges help to distinguish troops from each other and establish the syste...
Army identification tags, or dog tags, are worn around soldiers' necks as an alternate form of identification. Soldiers are required to wear them in accordance with Army Regulation 670-1. The information on genuine dog tags includes the soldier's name, Social Security number, blood type and re...
18 2012 BLOG lagrange.patch.com #got. Sounds pretty American to me. # How many sick days do congressmen get to take with full pay? Also what kind 19 1998 FIC Bk:Vanishings #parents refused to buy him his own car. How many other high school juniors still rode the bus to school? Wh...
You can set several goals for yourself in BitLife, be it personal or life goals. However, BitLife has many challenges you can go after and complete. In total, there are more than 200 of these challenges, and more get added with expansions and other updates. That said, the following are ...
Elizabeth smiled weakly as she tried to figure out how she was going to put away enough money to buy fuel to heat their little cottage that winter. “We, ah, we haven’t much in the way of funds, I’m afraid.” Susan, who at fourteen, was closest in age to Elizabeth, frowned. ...
Sometimes it helps to put a story aside for a short time, then come back to it with new perspective later. In the meantime, keep living life, meeting people, reading others’ stories, having new adventures! It brings new depth to your story. themagicviolinist on April 4, 2013 at 12:42...
WWII US Army Serial Numbers: Meaning in the First Digits The U.S. Army began issuing serial numbers to help avoid mixing the records of people with the same name. (A genealogist’s dream come true!) When we dig a little deeper into the number itself, we can learn a bit about the pe...
In his show, we first encounter Mac when he appears high above the stage on a balcony above the Curran’s orchestra section. Wearing an elaborate hooped dress fashioned from brightly-colored foil ribbons and a voluminous wig that makes him look like Marie Antoinette had an accident in a Mexi...
house in very rural Japan. Among all kinds of stuff was an envelope with a lot of old Japanese currency, printed in the fifties. He put to the test by paying for a meal. The waitress took it to the manager who said it was OK. ...
He decided to put the question directly to the commanding officer of the 98th General Hospital, Col. Wellington J. Laird. “I feel these men may have been exposed to mustard in some manner, Colonel,” Alexander said tentatively. “Do you have any idea how this might have happened?” ...