There are many free options available for advertising. Craigslist and Kijiji are great places to start, and you can also put up flyers around town or take out an ad in local newspapers and publications. It doesn’t matter how you get your tenants, what matters is how you choose which tena...
Kijiji.Depending on the selling category, you can post five to 23 free service ads at a time. After that, expect to pay a flat-rate listing fee per additional ad. Facebook Marketplace.There are no listing fees for posting items on Facebook Marketplace, though a fee is automatically deduc...
As mentioned a little earlier in this post, your clients are coming to you to solve a pain. It’s rarely as obvious as “I need to get my nails done,” the more likely push is “I want to express my style,” or “I want to feel confident on my date Saturday night” So if you...
Craigslist did everything in its power to protect that popularity. In 2012, it had made dramatic changes to its terms and conditions. As a result, Craigslist became the exclusive licensee of the content generated on its platform, which granted it the ability to sue anyone that used it without...
Just as you can buy almost anything on eBay, you can sell almost anything, too. Using a simple listing process, you can put all of the junk in your basement up for sale to the highest bidder. Lots of people sell their old laptop once they've upgraded, the clothing their kids have gr...
and your local Kijiji or Craiglist (Also check out their Childcare Wanted section). Before you agree to to care for a child, have a good, long meeting with the parents & child in your home. Be clear on what hours you will be available, and how much you’ll charge. If you “click...
I hated the CSA model, because it put me in debt. I really really don't like owing things to people. I was responsible for a great box of vegetables once per week regardless of weather, family duties, health, or crop failures. I hated all the food that people wasted because they didn...
Using a simple listing process, you can put all of the junk in your basement up for sale to the highest bidder. Lots of people sell their old laptop once they've upgraded, the clothing their kids have grown out of or the brand new couch they bought on final sale without realizing it ...
Most producers use a gun to put an animal down, simply by putting a bullet in the middle of the forehead just above the eyes. It is the quickest and most humane way to put a suffering animal out of its misery instead of simply letting it die a slow and painful death on its own. ...