Now, choose the picture which you want to set as Discord pfp from your system and press the “Open” button: Step 6: Adjust Image If you want to set the size of the picture or adjust its place by zooming in\out, use the slider. Then, hit the “Apply” button: Step 7: Save Chan...
So making your Discord PFP can build your overall character on the platform. Many people put a lot of thought into picking a proper PFP on Discord. Having a unique discord PFP can help you get recognition and an audience. However, people usually don’t focus on profile pictures of discord ...
How to Set GIF as Your PFP on Discord Discord Nitro subscribers can set animated GIFs as their profile pictures. They have two options to make Discord GIF PFP. One is using Tenor GIFs, the other is uploading GIFs from your device. If you want to create a GIF from a video,MiniTool Movi...
您上传的 Discord 动画 GIF 没有大小限制,但 Discord 将显示为您的头像的文件最大为 128×128 像素。 如果您上传较大的图像,则需要使用 Discord 的内置图像编辑器对其进行裁剪或调整大小以使其适合。 第2 部分:如何为 Discord PFP 制作动画 GIF 是否需要将人像视频制作成 Discord 动画 GIF 配置文件,制作GIF壁纸...
您上傳的 Discord 動畫 GIF 沒有大小限制,但 Discord 將顯示為您的頭像的文件最大為 128×128 像素。 如果您上傳較大的圖像,則需要使用 Discord 的內置圖像編輯器對其進行裁剪或調整大小以使其適合。 第2 部分:如何為 Discord PFP 製作動畫 GIF 是否需要將人像視頻製作成 Discord 動畫 GIF 配置文件,製作GIF壁紙...