I would like to try to put a re-entrant tuning on it with both a high “g” and and low “G” and then another bass string on it, probably a “C”. My goal would be to use it a little like the 5-string Uke is used with both the high and low G. I would rather not use...
Breathe from your diaphragm. The vocal cords are like the reeds in a clarinet, they vibrate as air passes over them--the stronger the flow of air, the louder the sound. Inhale and exhale, deeply, to increase the volume of air in your lungs. With diaphragmatic breathing, your stomach shou...
For instance, let's say you want to change a flute duet into a flute-and-clarinet duet: in this case you only need to change one of the two staves, the one that will be played by the clarinet. Do not change the part that will be played by the flute!
Position your tongue correctly in your mouth, let the air flow and let your tongue ride the wind (much like the reed of a woodwind instrument, like a clarinet). Play The Raspberry Method for Rolling Your Rs If the above step-by-step method fails to trill you, you may need to get chi...
Be true to yourself, and don’t make up or exaggerate experiences you think they want to hear. What are you passionate about? Your passions should be evident through the Experiences Section. It’s okay if you talk about your dedication to the clarinet or to soccer or to a non-medical ...
together nicely, a testament to the singular expertise of the bookbinders of yore. With the aid of the occasional light that streamed through the carriage windows, thrown forth by ghostly, flickering flames in the wrought-iron lampposts
In the first grade, I picked up a clarinet. It was my sister’s, collecting dust while waiting for me to play it. From the moment I produced my first sound, an ear-piercing squeal that frightened my dog, the path of my life took a turn for the better. I began teaching myself for...
That's why we’ve put together this guide to help you choose the right trumpet for your needs. You'll find explanations of all the different trumpet types and some tips on what to look for in an instrument. You also can get started by browsing the complete collection of trumpets at Musi...
A Part defines a group of staves, connected by a single barline. Voices can move from one of these staves to another. If, for example, the Part was a group of woodwind instruments, should a bassoon voice on a bassoon staff really be allowed to move to a clarinet staff?
a list of stuff. But again, that’s based on database systems where you just put a bunch of facts in, and it tries to put them together with a few little logical rules like, “If he asks for this, go to this list, and if you ask for this subset, go to thi...