If you attempt to use go get in a private repository, you will see the same link on your console, for instance: C:\Users\nguye>go get github.com/nguyenanhtuan11041998/testPrivateRepo # cd C:\Users\nguye\go\src\github.com\nguyenanhtuan11041998; git clone -- https://github.com/nguyen...
So, here we are going to talk about accessing GitHub private repository without a password. Without further ado, let’s get started. There are two ways to access any GitHub repository. They areHTTPSandSSH. Most of you are usingHTTPS. But, now you come to know that it’s not an efficie...
From your terminal, run the following commands after navigating to the folder you would like to add. Step 3 - Initialize the Git Repo Make sure you are in the root directory of the project you want to push to GitHub and run: Note: If you already have an initialized Git repository, you...
GitHub Actions templates: An acceptable workaround for non-Enterprise plans Without the native ability to include private templates in our workflows and us wanting to have a single repo storing our workflow templates, we opted for this simple solution that optimizes the ease of applying template up...
git push -u origin master After you press Enter or Return, you'll be asked to enter your GitLab username and password. Since you've created a private repository, this step makes sure that only the project owner can make changes to the repository. Once the authentication is done, the uplo...
First, here's how to download a single file from GitHub: Navigate to the repository page, and click the file you want to download. You can download public files without logging in, but for private repository files, you'll need special permissions from the repository owner. On the file vi...
# .github/workflows/ci.ymljobs:compile-and-test:...steps:...-name:Give GitHub Actions access to Michael-F-Bryan/my-secret-repouses:webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.5.4with:ssh-private-key:${{ secrets.SECRET_REPO_DEPLOY_KEY }} Thewebfactory/ssh-agentaction lets you supply multiple private keys ...
How many times have you forked a GitHub repository(repo) and worked on your copy of it, made changes, pushed them back to the original and went off to do something else. Then a couple of weeks later you thought of something else you wanted to contribute but your copy of the repo was...
Generatingpublic/privatersa key pair. # Enter fileinwhich to save the key (/c/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa): 接着又会提示你输入两次密码(该密码是你push文件的时候要输入的密码,而不是github管理者的密码,之后每一次进行 git push 操作时都会要求输出此密码): ...
For now I can live with creating a private repo and take one of the following options: change the mt=true as default for gflags. change the way glog depending on gflags. Here's the code snippet in gflags's xmake.lua which I changed to take the second option: for config, dep in pair...