Android Studio “Git Push” option Check the boxPush current branch to alternative branchand leave the branch name asmaster. Then selectpush. Android Studio “Git Push” prompt Now enter your GitHubLogin(email address) andPassword. Then clickOK. Android Studio GitHub Remote Login If it’s all ...
Finish the project and it works. Note the path of the project,probably on top of the Android Studio interface. Steps to upload: Create a repository in github,and copy the remote repository URL. Open git bash,change directory to the work station,use command "cd XXX". Better create the fil...
I am trying to synchronise a project that I have on in my Android Studio folder to GitHub, but I am not fully sure what to do other than adding my credentials in the options menu. Could someone give me a quick guide, please?
BTW when I add the exported jar as XposedBridge to xposed isntaller, sign it install and reboot, the system boots forever. I/Xposed (10890): --- I/Xposed (10890): Added Xposed (/data/data/ to CLASS PATH. D/AndroidRuntime(10890):...
You can use the pre-build ncnn.framework glslang.framework and openmp.framework from Install xcode You can replace-DENABLE_BITCODE=0to-DENABLE_BITCODE=1in the following cmake arguments if you want to build bitcode enabled libraries. ...
1 > curl -o- | bash This command will download and run the installation script on your machine to install NVM. Once NVM is installed successfully, you can install Node.js v16 LTS using the following command. > nvm insta...
Android Studio installed on your Mac or PC Firebase setup Log-in to theFirebase consoleand create a new project. Once this project is created, create a new Android app. Give it the package namecom.example.courierpushand clickRegister App. Download thegoogle-services.json(for later) and click...
// is a section about ignoring .idea/modules and iml files if gradle autoimport is enabled. But i you use teamcity inspection the gradle build type seams not to work if iml-files are missing. It just...
Now, finally to install VS from the downloaded files, run this command line instruction. c:\vs2017layout\vs_community.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb --add Component.GitHub.VisualStudio --includeOptional ...
git clone Your config.json should look similar to this when you’re done with it: JavaScript Copy Code { "TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID": "ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN": "6bXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "TWILIO_CREDENTIAL_SID...