.github Fix typo in pull request template Jan 26, 2023 docs add missing line break to doc Oct 21, 2024 extension Merge pull request#479from gleitz/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/extension… Dec 6, 2022 howdoi update 2 places for int and str operations ...
Hi guys, I have a question about how to send the "vscode.java.startDebugSession" to JDT Language Server. I started the JDT Language Server successfully, and send the Initialize request to the server successfully. But I tried many ways to send the command to the server, but none of them...
Let’s learn the simple steps to set Visual Studio Code as the default editor in Git. This will help the developers to edit their code directly in VSCode instead of Notepad or other editors. Gitis a popular free version control software that was created initially to develop the Linux kernel...
After that, you will be asked to provide the repository URL, as we want to clone the repo fromGitHubinstead of providing the URL, just click on the “Clone from GitHub” option. You will be prompted to sign in to your GitHub Account. Just click on theAllowbutton and a browser will ...
For example, if you were to fork theVS Code GitHub repository, the new copy would be stored athttps://github.com/<Your-github-account-name>/vscode-gitlens. Forking a repository means you can make any changes you want to the code without affecting the original project. You can choose to...
A step-by-step guide on how to undo the last git commit or reset to a previous commit in Visual Studio Code.
A step-by-step guide on how to zoom in and out, reset the zoom level and enable mouse wheel zoom in VS Code.
For the sake of simplicity and space, I’ve created a simple frontend application in React.js and a simple backend API written in Node.js. Run the following command to pull the code from GitHub. $ git clone https://github.com/pmckeetx/docker-nginx.git ...
From personal experience I can say that we tried to store the whole .idea/ folder in Git and ignore the generated files based on the template fromhttps://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/JetBrains.gitignore. In the end the management overhead for us was t...
attention to the root of the project where you will find aDockerfilethat builds the application into a multi-stage Docker Image. This is a best practice that is followed as it reduces the size of the image and therefore reduces the time it takes to push/pull the image to/from the ...