Tennessee is apoint of contact(POC) state, one of 13 states in the country where local authorities conduct a criminal background check during firearm transfers. An FFL holder may sell firearms to a potential eligible buyer. Those who have been convicted of stalking, have a mental health history...
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According to the data for the year2020a record-breaking22.8 millionguns were bought, while the purchase number dipped in the year2021 to 19.9 million. We know that the Coronavirus pandemic led to a spike in gun purchases, then there was another spike in May and June in response to riots t...
A realtor was showing his client (and his son) a house for sale in Wyoming, Michigan back in August. Someone saw them enter the property and called the cops. The cops show up, ask them to come out of the house one by one, with arms raised and then they are handcuffed. ...
Anyone who has ever made a firearms purchase knows that the bill can add up quickly. The oft-demonizedAR-15can easily top $4,000 when the price of a scope, rifle case and a decent cache of ammunition are added to the bill. Even a humble handgun purchase can quickly hit over $...