Code Issues Pull requests Step-by-step guide on how to create a GPG key on, adding it to a local GPG setup and using it with Git and GitHub. cryptography signing howto guide keybase gpg Updated Feb 10, 2023 pFarb / awesome-crypto-papers Star 1.8k Code Issues Pull re...
Your Pull Request will now appear in the Pull Requests Tab on the GitHub repository. Merge Conflicts Merge conflicts may arise when different branches modify the same line(s) of a file. It's crucial to pull others' code before making changes to have the history of their modifications. In...
For example, GitHub already showed how many lines of code changes there are in a PR. There are tools to tell you what is a "big" function, a "large" file; how many "big" functions and "large" files you've got in your repo; their percentage; etc. But hey, you can invent a mil...
So far, we described starting the workflow with GitHub events such as push or pull-request. We could also run a workflow on a schedule, or on some event outside of GitHub.Sometimes, we want to run the workflow only after a person performs an action. For example, we might only want ... You can alternatively copy the URL by using the green“⤓ Code”button from your repository page that you forked from the original repository page. Once you click the button, you’ll be able to copy the URL by clicking the clipboard button...
Tip: Build systems connected to your Git repo benefit from shallow clones, too! Shallow clones used to be somewhat impaired citizens of the Git world as some operations were barely supported. But recent versions (1.9 and above) have improved the situation greatly, and you can properly pull and...
Tip: Build systems connected to your Git repo benefit from shallow clones, too! Shallow clones used to be somewhat impaired citizens of the Git world as some operations were barely supported. But recent versions (1.9 and above) have improved the situation greatly, and you can properly pull and...
Can you download GitHub? No, but if you want to know how to download from GitHub, this step-by-step guide will show you how to download repositories, folders, and files.
Communication: Consider all of the ways that GitHub makes it easy for a team of developers to communicate about the software development project: code reviews in pull requests, GitHub issues, project boards, wikis, notifications, and so on. ...