The first step to packing a suit begins while holding thesuit jacketupright. With the jacket at attention, pop in one of the shoulders and pull it inside-out as seen below(some choose to pull the entire sleeve inside out as well, but this is not necessary). Step...
If earthquake happened, firstly, don’t panic and calm down. Secondly, find some safe place to stay and don‘t run in such a hurry. If in the room, one should hide himself/herself under something hard, such as desk, table or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard, and never...
It's a good idea to plan and also have cash in a savings account. Your training in your brokerage company can be casual or formal and depends upon where you operate. It's this very first year in which you will learn the majority of the essentials of being a realtor. The fantastic thi...
Find other places in the room to store things.For example, blankets can be stored under a bed or in between the mattress and box springs of a bed in the summer when they’re not being used. I have a tall skinny coat/hat rack I can put in one corner of my room to store my cute...
Place the tree skirt around the tree stand and cover the extension cord. Pull the end of the extension cord ( the plug in end) up thru the middle opening of the tree skirt and sit it near the middle of the tree stand. Spread an old sheet or shower curtain around the tree stand and...
Consider adding a pedestal sink cabinet– a huge way to instantly add space and organization to a small bathroom is by adding a standalone pedestal sink cabinet. There are many different kinds and can be as simple as an open shelving type, or the true cabinet kind. Add a small curtain or...
From the straight edge that you just cut, measure down the length of the shade that you calculated in step 2 above. Pull a thread across the fabric at this spot and cut along the line (like you did above). Note: If you are using a patterned fabric and making blinds for more than ...
Today I am sharing my DIY outdoor curtain rod and how to make one for under $20! If you have ever priced heavy duty outdoor patio curtain rods, you know they are very expensive so we decided to make a curtain rod out of galvanized pipe. I saved myself over $180 by making my own...
Looking for a Ready-Made Weighted Blanket? What You'll Find on This Page If you decide to look for a ready-made weighted blanket, I recently discoveredthese for sale on Amazon. There are also several sellers onEtsy, and weighted blankets have become so popular that you can evenbuy them ...
You might ask. As curtain bangs grow over time, they fall over your brows and this is similar to whatface-framing bangslook like. The only difference is the length. It has long swirls that dangle on both sides of the face and mix in with your hair, as opposed to short strands that ...