Somedigital magazine platformslet you build flipbooks from scratch, while others, such asFlippingBook, let you convert your PDFs into flipbooks and publish them online. This is a perfect option if you publish magazines as part of your marketing efforts. On the one hand, it has all the advan...
You can now save your post by clicking the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to see the embedded video in your live post. Wasn’t that easy? After you have added the video, you can customize its settings by clicking on the video in the editor and making changes from the popuptoolbar. ...
So, how to utilize free tools to market your digital product effectively? I will give you a few examples of how to use the tools that I personally use. Buffer App Buffer is the easiest way to publish on social media networks including Twitter and Facebook. With the free plan you can bu...
How much does it cost to start a magazine? The cost to start a regional magazine can be $100,000, with each issue costing a minimum of $10,000, according to NPR. A national magazine can cost considerably more. Those numbers are dependent on how many issues you plan to publish, how...
This will also play into the meta tag when you sit down to publish your great blog piece.Tell the reader how to “reach the right audience” – what methods to use and how to do it. Since you’ll be writing a 2000-word article, it’s even better to capture screenshots that will ...
When you are ready to publish your publication, there are differentprivacy optionsyou can choose from: public, unlisted, password-protected, and private. Of course, what you want to do is set it to “public.” Public visibility is the only way search engines will be able to index and rank...
publish your publication in no time.The first step when setting your work for sale is to connect your Flipsnack account with Stripe. The second step is to set a price for the publication. Usually, the price of a digital magazine varies between $3 – $6, depending on the page number of...