Here you can see that the given journal “Nature Reviews Genetics” is indexed in theScopus database. Also, you will get a Scopusimpact factor and journal citationreports for the last five years. Simple Step-by-Step Guide to Search Scopus Indexed Journals 2024 Here are the steps to check S...
SS39 HOW TO PUBLISH YOUR WORK ON WORKERS' HEALTH: INSIGHTS FROM THE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF OF SEVERAL OSH JOURNALS Scientists often seek to publish their work in renowned international journals, primarily indexed in Web of Science (WoS) or Scopus. However, young scienti... K Hyeongryeol,C Won-Ju...
Can I publish my research paper in journals free of cost? The straightforward answer is yes,you can publish articles for free. In that case, costs of publishing will be paid by subscriptions, i.e. universities, institutions, etc. who want to read that journal. Is Elsevier free to publish?
Scientists often seek to publish their work in renowned international journals, primarily indexed in Web of Science (WoS) or Scopus. However, young scientists often face challenges in getting their studies published due to a lack of submission strategy, despite the quality of their work being suffi...
As many academics and researchers quickly come to understand, finding out how your work is being used by others can be a tricky business. Using a combination of the three easily available tools – Publish or Perish, Google, and Web of Science – may provide the best way fo...
Many authors publish code/data on GitHub. Search for the paper title or keywords + “GitHub.” How to ensure dataset quality when downloading for free? Verify citations, check for peer-reviewed sources, and read user reviews on platforms like Kaggle. ...
There are thousands of journals available today.Journal selectionis, therefore, a complex choice. Being aware of the scope of a journal can definitely help to narrow the list of potential journals to publish in. Even after doing this, however, your acad...
I submitted a paper to Thomson Reuters ESCI Journal, and they are asking me to complete a registration and pay a fee of around $400 to publish the paper. But later I found that my University gives preference to Scopus-Indexed journals. How can I cancel the previous s...
Predatory journals and publishers have been described by Beall as “scammers” (Beall, 2013e) that deceive scholars to publish in them and do not follow basic publishing standards, such as peer review (Beall, 2016c). Moreover, these predators are responsible for a massive amount of spam sent...
Recognizing the constraints that researchers can sometimes face when attempting to plan, conduct, and publish a high-quality bibliometric review, we discuss here major challenges in conducting this type of synthesis, making use of recent examples (case studies) from across the environmental sciences. ...