For instance,Diane Kuthy, the founder ofHow To Grow Everything, shares that she's recently plantedHydrangea aborescens "Incrediball" (available at Nature Hills) to create a large, flowering hedge. They are easy to grow and don't need any special care in order to reliably bloom in her no...
Learn more here: How to Prune Hydrangeas. Soil: All like well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Soil composition can affect the flower color of H. macrophylla and H. serrata; other varieties can tolerate a range of soil alkalinity. Learn more here: Changing Hydrangea Color. Amend...
These include shrub roses and certain varieties of hydrangea, such as Endless Summer. Prune right after the spring flowering. How, When to Prune Typical Types of Flowering Shrubs Flowering Shrub Type Examples When to Prune How to Prune Spring-blooming shrubs (bloom on old wood) Lilacs, forsythia...
Hydrangeaswill wilt easily, but can be revived by cutting the stems and placing them in warm water for a while. The trick withhydrangea bloomsis to pick them when the temperatures are cooler. They last much longer if you do this. Some good choices for long-lived cut flowers are: Gladiola...
Pruning roses is not as complicated as it may seem, though it’s important to follow the right technique based on the type of rose you have. Here’s how—and when—to prune the roses in your garden! Sure, pruning roses can be a chore, but your efforts will be rewarded by a healthie...
How and When to Prune Boxwood—7 Must-Know Tips Potting and Repotting Boxwood Plant boxwood in a ceramic or terra-cotta container that’s as wide as the plant is tall and offers excellent drainage. An 18-inch container is the right size for many dwarf boxwood varieties. Boxwoods grown ...
Prune cotoneaster for aesthetic reasons if it begins to look unruly or is spreading too much. It will plant roots wherever branches touch the ground, so periodically check for new rooting branches to keep its spread manageable. Be sure to trim branches at the base and not the tip to ensure...
It is recommended to prune every spring to keep the plant healthy. Butterfly bushes are aggressive growers, andcan greatly benefit from pruning. If you are trying to keep your plant from becoming too unruly, cut the shrubs down to ground level each spring once you see some new green growth...
To stake or not to stake, that indeed is the question. Once upon a time everyone carefullystaked every tree when it was planted, but today the experts tell us that often it is not necessary, or even desirable. Although staking can seem like a good idea, it can cause future problems for...