We're sorry, there seems to be an issue playing this video. Please refresh the page or try again in a moment. If you continue to have issues, please contact us here. WATCH Loading Video... How to Prune Hydrangeas 02:07 These helpful tips reveal all the best times and ways to pr...
Transplanting hydrangeas is best done in the spring or the fall because the temperatures are more moderate. In cases where transplanting is needed to rescue your hydrangeas, you can transplant at any time as long as you are committed to keeping your eye on the plant. Reason 3: Improper Fertil...
When to Prune Hydrangeas in Winter When it comes to hydrangeas that bloom on new wood, the best time pruning is usually in late winter or even early spring, just before the plant starts its new growth cycle. This timing strikes a balance between allowing the hydrangea to benefit from the ...
Types that bloom on new growth, such as panicle and smooth varieties, can be pruned between late fall and early spring. During the growing season, faded hydrangea flowers can be cut back to encourage new growth. The Right Time To Prune Hydrangeas Depends On The Variety Propagating ...
To avoid further fungal issues, prune excess foliage for better air and sun exposure and keep the soil clear of fallen plant matter. 6. Anthracnose Are your hydrangeas’ leaves covered in brownish-black spots and lesions? Are many leaves turning brown and falling off? Thenanthracnosemay be the...
How to prune smooth hydrangeas: Hydrangea arborescens bloom on new wood. In late winter or early spring, cut out any damaged or dead branches and lightly shape as needed. Plants can also be cut back to the ground before new growth emerges in spring to rejuvenate plants and encourage vigorous...
Woody plants that bloom on old wood includerhododendrons(Rhododendron spp.), dogwoods(Cornus spp.),lilacs(Syringa spp.), forsythia(Forsythia spp.),and some hydrangeas(Hydrangea macrophylla, H. quercifolia). Prune summer-flowering shrubs in late winter or early springto promote vigorous growth early...
How to Prune Hydrangeas More Gardening How-To's JOIN 100,000 GARDEN LOVERS Get plant information, gardening solutions, design inspiration and more in our weekly newsletter. If you are human, leave this field empty I give my consent to be emailed I give my consent for my email activity...
According to Anna Ohler, owner ofBright Lane Gardensnursery, you should plant hydrangeas either in the fall, or as aspring gardeningjob, when the weather is mild and the soil is workable. She says, "Avoid planting during hot summer months or freezing winter conditions. If you live in a ...
Prune stems back in early spring, just before new growth emerges. Does hydrangea bloom all year round? The hydrangea blooming season depends upon the type and cultivar as well as your planting zone. Most new growth hydrangeas put on buds in early summer to bloom in the following spring, summ...