You have two options as to how you are going to dispose of the shrubs. For shrubs that are small, you can try composing it. But for bigger ones you can burn the shrubs or throw in in the trash properly for you to avoid spreading the infection to your other plants, if there are any...
Transplanting bushes, shrubs, and trees. Step by step instructions on how to transplant a bush or shrub in your yard. The Gardener's Network.
To bloom at their best, flowering shrubs need pruning. Knowing when to prune your shrubs and how to do it properly are the keys to landscaping success.
Bushes and shrubs serve many functions in a yard, but sometimes their useful life is over. Do you have a dead bush in your yard, need more space, or want to put something fresh in its place? Removing bushes is a simple weekend DIY project. Let’s dig into how to remove shrubs from...
Now that you have the right tool to cut bushes, your next question will likely be “when to prune shrubs?” Many shrubs have specific times that they should be trimmed back for best flowering. However, when shrubs have diseases or problems, it is perfectly fine to trim them any time of...
lopper for removing stout branches from near the base of the shrub. Before beginning work, clean the blades with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to prevent disease spread. If you prune more than one shrub, clean the shears between shrubs as well, and clean them before storing the shears....
Bushes and shrubs can add personality and privacy to your home and yard. But they also can add to your regular maintenance needs and expenses. If you want to cross this yard work off your to-do list, it’s time to get rid of them. Shrub and bush removal costs as low as $140 to ...
Ontarians are fortunate to have an abundance of wilderness that provides us with ample opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. But one thing to keep in mind when outside—especially in wooded areas and those with tall grasses, bushes and shrubs—is Lyme disease. ...
Your bushes and shrubs might be damaged if you use tools to pick up them up. Grasp one of the leaves gently but firmly and pluck it from the bush or shrub. Place it in the trash bag. If the leaves are brown and fragile, pick the leaf up from the stem to prevent it from crumbling...
If your garden has an evergreen hedge or evergreen bushes then you will likely have to prune these around three times a year to keep them in good condition. Conifers will need pruning even more often as they are fast growing and can soon begin to get out of hand and block light. ...