contact an airline directlyto ask for your flights taken. In Europe under GDPR legislation people can request their data held by a company. For example, here is the privacy policy page forEasyjet– it is possible to contact the data protection team directly. Note that under the law companies...
My response to parents trying to reason with a meltdown child is “You are arguing with a 2 (baby, toddler, young child) year old, and losing!” Usually gets the parent to do something else. If I see a crying child in the store but parent isn’t trying to reason with them, just ...
I simply made a statement which is a historical truth like saying the Buddha was born a Hindu. However much you argue you cannot prove Buddha was a Buddhist. He was born a Hindu. So too the language of the original inhabitants of this Island was Tamil. It cannot be otherwise since the ...
The Child Behavior Checklist 1.5–5 (CBCL 1.5–5) is applied to identify emotional and behavioral problems on children with developmental disabilities (e.g., autism spectrum disorder [ASD] and developmental delays [DD]). To understand whether there are variations between these two groups on CBCL...
The objective was to calculate the similarity (dissimilarity) of different predictive models (i.e. Pafig, FoldAmylod, Waltz, AmylPred) over one dataset. To obtain this goal we used clustering techniques. Clustering of binary data A binary matrix is used as data when clustering all binary ...