These steps are best paired with what firefighters call "home hardening," which refers to the construction materials used in homes. "It takes a combination of Home Hardening and Defensible Space to give your house the best chance of surviving a wildfire," Cal Fire wrote ...
Once your home is built clean the gutters and decks regularly. Leaves and debris can lead to trouble. Walk the property regularly and watch for tree branches that get too close to chimneys. Be sure to keep all firewood and propane tanks a safe distance from your house.Learn even more tips...
These steps are best paired with what firefighters call "home hardening," which refers to the construction materials used in homes. "It takes a combination of Home Hardening and Defensible Space to give your house the best chance of surviving a wildfire," Cal Fire wrote...
Asfire season intensifies across the West, there are steps homeowners can take to make their homesless vulnerableto burning and increase the likelihood that firefighters canprotect their property in the event of a wildfire. Weresearch wildfire riskto homes and communities. Here’s what decades of ...
Now that we’re in the midst of a particularly active wildfire season , it’s a good time for a refresher on how to help protect your home against thes
As giant plumes from fires in Canada billow over the U.S., experts explain what smoke does to your health—and how to protect yourself
"We really think that's not the best idea. It doesn't really do anything to protect them from the smoke," Oakes says. "The N95s really fit your face," she says, adding that the filter material is superior to the filter in a surgical mask when it comes to smoke inhalation. ...
The wildfire haze that is turning air quality in New England hazardous and New York City skies orange is an unusual event for the East Coast of the U.S.—but it may not be for long.
Wildfire smoke from the Bolt Creek Fire has returned in full force, blanketing hazardous air over the Puget Sound region. Breathing in this type of air is unhealthy, and experts at the University of Washington have shared some helpful information to prevent smoke from getting inside your home....
If possible, avoid building any home — even a vacation cabin — on a raised pier foundation, which invites fire to ignite your home from below. If you must build this way, protect the crawl spaces beneath the home with some form of fireproof skirting of the type often used to skirt mob...