As pet owners, we do whatever it takes to keep our pets safe. We ensure they have all of their shots and are protected from fleas and ticks. But there is a predator out in full force this time of year. How do you protect your pets from coyotes? Canva It's Coyote Mating Season-Wha...
Coyotes are a fact of life in the Chicago area. They always have been and always will be. As humans encroach on their territory, these usually secretive animals have had to resort to any means necessary to eat. Sadly, that often means snacking on a pet. "They're everywhere," says Dr....
The small pets that we see in our emergency departments that have suffered a coyote attack often have life-threatening injuries that require immediate surgery. Here’s information to help you protect your pet, as well as tips for how to act should you be approached by coyotes. Understanding th...
Looking to find ways on how to protect your chickens from predators is not an easy task, especially if you are free-ranging and living near the woods where all sorts of wild predators roam around. If you keep a chicken coop or plan to do so, then one thing you always have to think ...
WARNING:An electric fence could be dangerous if you have outdoor pets or small children who play in your yard. Instead of an electric fence, you could try growing plants with prickly vines or thorny branches around your fruits and veggies to keep the raccoons from getting into them. Just be...
But now he and his matehad a home with young coyotes on top of the parking lotnearby. He was charging at the dogs to protect his family.The researchers solved the problem. When the coyotepair appeared in the evening, they ran toward them, shoutingand shaking a noisemaker—a coffee can ...
1. Protect your property and yourself You canactively take partin keeping coyotes away from you and even your neighbors. The first step is toplace your property line correctly. After that, only your scent might be enough to scare different beasts away, including coyotes. ...
We tend to paint all the exterior pieces first to protect them from weather and then screw the battens together afterward. 4. Add Coop Walls You’ll now add panels to the coop’s frame for walls (and two roof panels). Again, the plywood can be cut at home improvement or lumber stores...
For example, American pronghorn does will eat the feces of their babies, probably to help protect them from scenting predators like coyotes. In species that den or nest, consuming waste helps keep the bed area clean. In some species, newborn babies are physically incapable of defecating or ...