How to protect intellectual property 使用上一篇文章的模板 The rapid economic growth is starting to upset the old balance and generate new challenges. 经济的快速增长正开始打破旧的平衡,产生新的挑战。…
Besides registration, businesses are also suggested to establish a thorough internal IP protection system, to adopt preventive measures to protect IP, and to confront IP infringements in business operations. This system can be set up with the help of external third-party professional services, especi...
In response to a question by Richard Smith from Quora: “Do Chinese courts respect and enforce intellectual property rights (IPR) for foreign nationals and their patents?” Shen stated that Chinese courts adhere to the principle of equal protection, in regards to IPR issues. "We have what is ...
China’s National Intellectual Property Administration governs the People’s Republic of China Patent Law. Patents are integral to the success of many businesses as they provide a legal right to those who register them to protect their inventions, utility models and designs from being reproduced with...
Start by listing all your intellectual property assets, then consider which assets need to be protected. Budget for the time and money you’ll need to properly secure the rights to your creations, and outline how you plan to protect your intellectual assets. Finally, set deadlines for research...
If the idea is novel or groundbreaking, the scientist must make a decision whether to protect the idea. As a university employee, faculty are required to disclose all inventions through the local office of technology and licensing. The extent to which faculty are educated about the process and ...
Filing for intellectual property protections as soon as you can is the best way to secure rights to your idea. Failing to quickly file your application may result in you losing the ability to protect your creation. If you are applying for a patent, you should be sure to research patents ...
Intellectual business property refers to intangibles like the company’s name, logo, content, creative ideas and original creations.— Getty Images/relif You can safeguard your business’s physical assets like the office, goods and equipment with an insurance policy. But how do you protect intangibl...
There are a number of avenues to protect your IPR in China. Should you have any questions related to this guide or going concerns that relate to protecting your IPR in China, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance. ...
lot in the development of products or technical inventions. But there is a great danger that others will use these technologies for themselves and thus secure competitive advantages – at the expense of the inventors. What needs to be considered to effectively protect intellectual property in China...